Beyond Our Walls

Emmanuel Episcopal Church's commitment to outreach in downtown Rockford extends back 30 years. The church had purchased the Franklin School property next door. Under the leadership of Father Cardone, the school gym became the Jubilee Center where it continues today as drop in center for those suffering from Mental Illness and on Saturdays as site of the soup kitchen
Learn more about our many ministry and outreach efforts below.
Shelter Care Ministries

Incorporated on July 22, 1985, Shelter Care Ministries began as an outreach mission of Emmanuel. Its mission is provide shelter, awaken hope and honor dignity or those individuals with a chronic mental illness and families that are homeless in the Winnebago/Boone county area.
Emmanuel parishioners serve on Shelter Care's board, provide funds for its work, and volunteer for activ…
Read More »Soup Kitchen

Emmanuel Episcopal began hosting its soup kitchen in 1981 as an outreach of the church, in response to the growing number of homeless mentally ill people in downtown. Since its inception, the soup kitchen has served lunch to at least 60 people every Saturday; Emmanuel's efforts are supported by sixteen organizations of all faiths and from across the Rockford area. The seventeen o…
Read More »Haskell Academy Volunteers

Haskell School is a STEAM Academy just blocks from Emmanuel; parishioners interact with the school and students through reading and math tutoring, sponsoring a yearly field trip for all third graders, donating funds and clothing for the school's emergency closet, and featuring students' season artwork in the undercroft.
To volunteer as a reading helper, please call Amy Ekstrom, …
Read More »Community Garden

The Jeremiah Development Community Garden was established in 2010 across the street from Emmanuel. Each summer, the garden offers fresh produce to residents and neighborhood visitors.
Volunteers work in the garden most Saturday mornings for an hour or two in the summer. No gardening expertise is required.
To learn more please contact Sue Kanthak.